Operation Homeless


Who Are We

Who are we? We are a group of anons with the same mind set to help support those who are less fortunate than us and unfortunatly live on the streets. All of us have different skills and different ways of aproaching this. Some people like to stay back out of the field and help promote the cause with either coding websites or informative games, managing social media or setting up small news articals about the cause. Others like to go to the front lines and get up close with helping the homeless , by either donating money, giving them food / water or simply giving them an essential like something warm for the winter! All of us at operation homeless have the mindset to help stop homelessness and get the people who are less fortunate get off the streets for good and stop the suffering for all of them as they, are humans too.

Why do we do it?

Why do we do it? We do this because we all care about those less fortunate than our selves as we believe everyone is equal and should have the same options as the rest of us!

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